Is this supposed to be an achievement? Any manager who can't pick up points with a fully fit PL first team has no business being in football. You have set the bar so low it is unbelievable.
This is one of my main issues, the acceptance of "Expected Losses", "Little Ol Everton", "best we can Expect", "knife to a gunfight" etc etc etc
After near 50 years following, supporting and loving this Club slowly but surely they have disenfranchised me to such a degree due to a constant narrative as above, that I almost "Dont Care" never have I ever gone to a match, watched us on Tv etc etc felt its acceptable to not go into a match optimistic of a positive result.
I stood on the Gwladys for 19 years, before a move away forced my hand to give up my ST but I always went with a belief that anything was possible and good few times they proved me right.
Part of the joy of the game itself is this feeling, accepting "its the best we can do" is simply not good enough
I go as many as possible now and today my Derby tickets arrived on my doorstep and the excitement of me and my lad(who has never experienced a Goodison Derby) is still there, we were literally bouncing around in the kitchen singing its a "Grand Ol Team to play for" and then the "narrative" hits and the stark reality that this is a tough one, a tougher one than most as the "banter" from that lot will be incessant if we lose and is a pivotal moment, IMO as to how we progress, but I am at a Cross Roads, I will never stop looking, coming on here or wishing the best for this once GREAT Club, but when my lad asked a few months back "why Everton Dad?" it hit me like a ton of bricks, I have never questioned my allegiance, ever but here I am doing exactly that and for that I am truly gutted as would 2 generations of Kirkdale Blues before me.
We owe it to what has gone before and will follow from us Better, much much better!