Inspired by the top 5 game thread, it got me that have had direct influence in where games today are based. These aren't neccessarily the best games in the genre, but the most important.
Pong - Crap game by any standard, but was the first 'mass' played game anywhere.
Mario Bros - Established Platformers as the force they are now
Wolfenstein 3D - There may have been other shareware FPS games before Wolf, but this was the one that people wanted to play. Without this breakthrough, then there would be no COD4, Halo, Unreal and FEAR.
Elite - The grandfather of all space games. And it just happened to be incredibly extensive, allowing the type of freedom of gameplay you just don't get today.
Zelda - RPG. Might not have been the first, but this was the significant one. Make something only covered by the D&D crowd and mainstream it. Opened the door for many RPG series to come to light *cough* Final Fantasy *cough*
Civilization - Turn based strategy. This is the benchmark that all turn based games are held too. Excelled in every dept. Still highly playable, even today.
John Madden - Proved sports games really could be made into computer games. There were sports games that existed before, but the all had terrible controls. The games we play now were directly influenced by the control system first established in Madden.
Feel free to disagree and point out better options for the ones I listed, and add your own views on the stuff I listed.
Pong - Crap game by any standard, but was the first 'mass' played game anywhere.
Mario Bros - Established Platformers as the force they are now
Wolfenstein 3D - There may have been other shareware FPS games before Wolf, but this was the one that people wanted to play. Without this breakthrough, then there would be no COD4, Halo, Unreal and FEAR.
Elite - The grandfather of all space games. And it just happened to be incredibly extensive, allowing the type of freedom of gameplay you just don't get today.
Zelda - RPG. Might not have been the first, but this was the significant one. Make something only covered by the D&D crowd and mainstream it. Opened the door for many RPG series to come to light *cough* Final Fantasy *cough*
Civilization - Turn based strategy. This is the benchmark that all turn based games are held too. Excelled in every dept. Still highly playable, even today.
John Madden - Proved sports games really could be made into computer games. There were sports games that existed before, but the all had terrible controls. The games we play now were directly influenced by the control system first established in Madden.
Feel free to disagree and point out better options for the ones I listed, and add your own views on the stuff I listed.