He could be, but very much doubt it as he will be given a rest, may not even play for us till septemeber if still here, suppose we seeIs he available for the Soton game?
What does an Olympic gold medal do for one’s transfer value?
And golden boot winnerWhat does an Olympic gold medal do for one’s transfer value?
Ah. Oh well.Absolutely nothing.
...let's find out.What does an Olympic gold medal do for one’s transfer value?
Yup. We're a soft touch of a club. He's done nothing last term to merit this summer of excess on our dime. People say, "but but he'll leave us!" To which the only rational response is: "so what!" He'll come back to us and be exhausted, demand time off, or sulk if he doesn't get it. Once again tonight he showed himself to have more ambition than poise, skying his penalty. It's a team sport, so he's played his part in winning a gold medal in an under-23 tournament. But he fancies himself as an individual, and on individual terms he was found wanting again when it mattered (in his head, at least) tonight.Is anyone else's piss boiling at this feller and his 'kin Brazil career?
He better not want a month off.
I'd sell him in a heartbeat. As I would DCL, who is nowhere near the class some think he is.Yup. We're a soft touch of a club. He's done nothing last term to merit this summer of excess on our dime. People say, "but but he'll leave us!" To which the only rational response is: "so what!" He'll come back to us and be exhausted, demand time off, or sulk if he doesn't get it. Once again tonight he showed himself to have more ambition than poise, skying his penalty. It's a team sport, so he's played his part in winning a gold medal in an under-23 tournament. But he fancies himself as an individual, and on individual terms he was found wanting again when it mattered (in his head, at least) tonight.