A million times this.
I am genuinely sick of the mentality that loads of us seem to have about players who've been decent for us and then left - you never stop seeing shouts for them to come back. Sensible clubs don't do this - you sell a player and you move on.
I wouldn't mind, but it's not even just the fans who seem to have this ridiculous obsession with re-signing players.
To give you an example - as far as I can work out, in the Premier League era Liverpool have had the following players who've played for them twice:
Fowler, Bellamy, Staunton. (You could argue Rush here, but his first spell was pre-PL)
In the same timeframe, and these are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head, Everton have had the following players who've had two spells at the club:
Beagrie, Unsworth, Ferguson, Stubbs, McFadden, Pienaar, Gravesen, Manny Fernandes, Jeffers, Donovan, Rooney, Gana Gueye and Deulofeu - there could easily be others, but they've all sprung to mind fairly quickly.
It's properly small time