Alls am going to say is. Sacking koeman may work... Then again it might back fire and be the straw that broke the camels back " Be careful what you wish for "
Alls am going to say is. Sacking koeman may work... Then again it might back fire and be the straw that broke the camels back " Be careful what you wish for "
I don’t think we will sack him.
You’re quite annoying aren’t you Matty?
I don’t think there’s any possible way it could go any worse at this point, even Alan Pardew would get a better performance out of this squad.
Nor me and it's only as there's nobody better who will come in.
Alls am going to say is. Sacking koeman may work... Then again it might back fire and be the straw that broke the camels back " Be careful what you wish for "
Alls am going to say is. Sacking koeman may work... Then again it might back fire and be the straw that broke the camels back " Be careful what you wish for "