I believe he drank a pint of Carlsberg once.
I believe he drank a pint of Carlsberg once.
This threads a fcking embarrassment to our club, bedwetters galore, some trying to prove they were right fanatically backing the last manager even after he's long gone and now acting like spoilt little pre maddonas trying to save face in a non stop in a game of fishing for reactions from loyal supporters and fellow Evertonians by non stop hounding of the new manager, all because they seen it happen against a man they backed last season they feel they now have to behave in a similar fashion. Some serious personality issues have arisen from the ashes of Berts reign, some people who just won't let it go...
I've never known anything like it, so called fans clambering over each other to point out faults in Ronnie to score points on t'Internet in long running feuds that matter only in their heads. Everton won't be Boss again until we start splashing the cash at the very least and even then it certainly won't be guaranteed . Koeman isn't superman and I'd bet he will prob fail like his predecessors of the last 30 years. Nothing says bedwetting fans talking bollocks to improve their internet status quite like this thread, it's the very definition. I despair for 2017 and their desperate souls.
This threads a fcking embarrassment to our club, bedwetters galore, some trying to prove they were right fanatically backing the last manager even after he's long gone and now acting like spoilt little pre maddonas trying to save face in a non stop in a game of fishing for reactions from loyal supporters and fellow Evertonians by non stop hounding of the new manager, all because they seen it happen against a man they backed last season they feel they now have to behave in a similar fashion. Some serious personality issues have arisen from the ashes of Berts reign, some people who just won't let it go...
I've never known anything like it, so called fans clambering over each other to point out faults in Ronnie to score points on t'Internet in long running feuds that matter only in their heads. Everton won't be Boss again until we start splashing the cash at the very least and even then it certainly won't be guaranteed . Koeman isn't superman and I'd bet he will prob fail like his predecessors of the last 30 years. Nothing says bedwetting fans talking bollocks to improve their internet status quite like this thread, it's the very definition. I despair for 2017 and their desperate souls.
This threads a fcking embarrassment to our club, bedwetters galore, some trying to prove they were right fanatically backing the last manager even after he's long gone and now acting like spoilt little pre maddonas trying to save face in a non stop in a game of fishing for reactions from loyal supporters and fellow Evertonians by non stop hounding of the new manager, all because they seen it happen against a man they backed last season they feel they now have to behave in a similar fashion. Some serious personality issues have arisen from the ashes of Berts reign, some people who just won't let it go...
I've never known anything like it, so called fans clambering over each other to point out faults in Ronnie to score points on t'Internet in long running feuds that matter only in their heads. Everton won't be Boss again until we start splashing the cash at the very least and even then it certainly won't be guaranteed . Koeman isn't superman and I'd bet he will prob fail like his predecessors of the last 30 years. Nothing says bedwetting fans talking bollocks to improve their internet status quite like this thread, it's the very definition. I despair for 2017 and their desperate souls.
Can you tag in the main protagonists please mate
And a very merry Christmas to youThey know who they are Bungle Lad, they're the ones with that orrible feeling in their stomachs cos they've been acting like Tw@ts.
The first time I heard that UB40 song which mentions Ivory Madonna, I thought they were singing "I'm a prima donna".This threads a fcking embarrassment to our club, bedwetters galore, some trying to prove they were right fanatically backing the last manager even after he's long gone and now acting like spoilt little pre maddonas trying to save face in a non stop in a game of fishing for reactions from loyal supporters and fellow Evertonians by non stop hounding of the new manager, all because they seen it happen against a man they backed last season they feel they now have to behave in a similar fashion. Some serious personality issues have arisen from the ashes of Berts reign, some people who just won't let it go...
I've never known anything like it, so called fans clambering over each other to point out faults in Ronnie to score points on t'Internet in long running feuds that matter only in their heads. Everton won't be Boss again until we start splashing the cash at the very least and even then it certainly won't be guaranteed . Koeman isn't superman and I'd bet he will prob fail like his predecessors of the last 30 years. Nothing says bedwetting fans talking bollocks to improve their internet status quite like this thread, it's the very definition. I despair for 2017 and their desperate souls.
Reported LOL