Sad News - Our friend, Roydo


Staff member

It's with a heavy heart that I have to share some devastating news.

Our friend @roydo has suddenly, and unexpectedly, passed away.

Mark, who would have celebrated his 59th birthday tomorrow, was such an integral part of our community, dedicating endless hours to nurturing and moderating Grand Old Team for over 10 years.

Mark cherished this community deeply, and often spoke of how he found solace and support following the loss of his partner, Nikki.

I know we'll all miss him tremendously.

Thanks @roydo - you were one of the best pal. A true gent, and an honour to have called a friend.

I'll share this thread with Marks family, and I await to hear if there's anyway we can support/donate.


Mark's son has been browsing the site for over a week, and dropped a note to say

He's also got us donation details to the charity Mark/his family have supported in his memory. It's called Merry Go Round - it's a singing/theatre group local to him. Donations can be send to the below, please enter Roydo as the reference;

Mrs Rosemary A Geoghegan

Also, lovely to hear awards have been setup in Mark's memory.

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Awful news.

Stunned and in shock.

The absolute best of us, a gentleman, with huge compassion and care for those in his own life and on here. He contributed so much to the sound running of the site.

You’l always be remembered and missed on here mate, we'l miss you.

Hope you’re at peace and with your beloved wife now.

Thoughts are of him and with all those closest to him.
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It's with a heavy heart that I have to share some devastating news.

Our friend @roydo has suddenly, and unexpectedly, passed away.

Mark, who would have celebrated his 59th birthday tomorrow, was such an integral part of our community, dedicating endless hours to nurturing and moderating Grand Old Team for over 10 years.

Mark cherished this community deeply, and often spoke of how he found solace and support following the loss of his partner, Nikki.

I know we'll all miss him tremendously.

Thanks @roydo - you were one of the best pal. A true gent, and an honour to have called a friend.

I'll share this thread with Marks family, and I await to hear if there's anyway we can support/donate.
Thoughts and prayers with his family football comes second when such things come about
