Has he improved us? Faintly, to the degree where we don't have to bite our nails to the bone for the run-in, but he has offered nothing more.
To be honest, I expected just a little more, even with modest expectations, and knowing the turd squad he inherited. I did think he would try to seize the opportunity in effect to have a free swing in the bigger games and try and play with positivity and intent. Surely, he above everyone else, knew his grip on the job was tenuous to say the least even before he set foot in GP that evening for the WHU game.
He hasn't offered anything I've seen to make the question of another season come up in debate, nothing close. If he looks at himself honestly, I can't see how he can think justifiably that he really grasped the nettle here and tried, at the very least tried, to make a silk purse from a sows ear. I can't see that at all.
He had to do much, much better than the bare minimum to have even a slither of a chance at winning over the majority. If he stays, he might eke out another marginal improvement, but no more. He has proved his doubters right, definitively. His approach and attitude is simply too dour, too cautious, and too much to avoid defeat at all costs.
They can keep him - but all that ensures is that the mood of depression and despair around the club will just continue into next season. We have fundamental problems to deal with and keeping Allardyce does nothing other than postponing having to deal with the inevitable. Best done sooner than later.