Better the devil you know eh? We've had a few posters suggesting that Sam, could fulfill a future potential remit, he's got us to 8th, could press on, better the devil you know, be careful what you wish for....Grow a pair. This is as good as it gets. Period.
If you want to see the future of Everton with Sam Allardyce at the helm? Forget, Europe, forget trophies, satisfy yourself with boring low scoring wins against Premiership strugglers and complete capitulations against the top six. Show some pride.
There isn't a club in the top ten who would hire him. And he's considered good enough for us, with our history? Despite the mocking, our motto still means something. If you abandon that, you kill the soul of the club and the memory of the players who fought with distinction for that blue shirt.
"If you know your history" Yeah I do. And every moment this manager is bridled with our club and the utter ineptness of our board that tolerates this, it's a stain on our history. There's only one way forward. Clear leadership from the top down and a manager or even a director of football that can implement a coherent strategy.
Moshiri remarked that the club shouldn't be a museum. Tell me why we have boardroom members, staff and players that belong in one, when you've been involved in the club for two years?