If the plan is actually for him to “see out his contract” I’m going to start breaking things. That’s basically saying we know we don’t have a future with Sam but let’s throw next year away and set the next manager back even more by giving Sam the next two windows even though we know he’s not a long term option. It seems to me it has to be either sack or extension and if there’s an extension there will be riots. Nothing makes sense besides sacking him.
Another scenario, is that he stays with the understanding that he has very limited funds and trims the squad in the meantime, paving the way for the new manager to start from scratch.
What better person to the clubs dirty work, than someone who has skin like a Rhino and is already universally unpopular.
It`s all guess work at the mo, until the club says yes / no, nobody knows what`s going on.
I won`t be going again, until he leaves the club.