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I don't know about the spanish being responsible for ALL of the depleted fish stocks, but they punch above their weight regarding consumption of seafood.
We've hammered the stocks on cod.
QI moments off the top of my head
All these immature cod get caught and thrown back as they do not meet standards. But they are already dead b then. Cod as a predominantly bottomof the sea dwelling fish cannot handle the change in pressure; they are dead by the time they reach the surface.
They also get caught more and more in shrimping nets, but no legislation has resulted in modern shrimping nets not being redesigned to stop this happening.
Cods reproduce at a colossal rate. It was said in the 1900s that it would never be possible to take too many cod from the sea. And that a good year you could walk to galway from newfoundland on the back of cod the ocean was that plentiful.
Now stock are so depleted catches would be rare; if not for modern technology. This involves hunting for schools of fish in sonar equipped boats, a net is lowered and hey presto all the fish are gone. Also modern catch all fishing techniques that take everything from a section of the ocean at once. Shrimp, mussels, lobster, cod - nets that trawl at the bottom of the ocean that leave the sea totally devoid of life, after they are finished.
If you want more cod based facts I'm your man. I read a good book about cod once.
I took part in a survey of estuary cod in the Mersey basin, deformed fish were abundant, bent backs, fins missing and deformed tails. Fish stocks have been reducing year on year ever since the introduction of mono-filament netting, particular gill nets. Fish trapped in these nets are too injured to return to sea, under size fish also get caught up, seldom do they escape the cod end. Drift netting means that nets become lost due to snagging, they are cheap so the replacement cost is not prohibitive, once lost they sink to the bottom, floats remain buoyant and they fish on, when full they sink, the dead fish rot, the net comes up again and it goes on and on and on. Not one European country will confront the problem, I believe that only the USA and Aus have got any laws against these ruinous killers, ask any diver who goes wrecking, they can't get near some because of the nets hanging from them