He's spot on.
I dont think I've ever seen an Everton boss so rattled by Everton fans. And he hasn't had it anywhere near as bad as some of the other managers.
It seems to be constant moaning from him.
I don’t see a connection there with the fans. Maybe he’s not the kind of personality to do that as I’m not sure what his relationship was like with Burnley fans . In times like this with what the club is, a bit of unity with manager, players and fans would be a big help and i don’t sense it’s there. You can’t force these things either.
When it comes to being accused of having a dig at the fans, I think that’s something that’s been there for years. I have suspected that the feelings inside the club more often than not don’t align with fans in things like ambition, pride and could be a reason of disconnect with managers, fans, players. Perhaps within there is a shrug of the shoulders to defeats and outside with the fans it’s anger and frustration.
On the flip side you don’t want someone overplaying the blowing smoke routine , being phoney and telling fans what they want to hear.
we don’t know what has gone on behind the scenes, let’s remember this is a disgrace what has been allowed to happen to the club and he could of been misled into how deep the troubles are when negotiating to become manager.
On the pitch issues aside, my problem with him is and I noticed this at Burnley too when interviewed, his ego isn’t a pleasant trait and it’s quite a put off. He is very smug in victory but lacks humility and objectivity with bad results/performances. I’m not a fan of people like that.
I also get the impression he doesn’t handle people being straight with him when it comes to negative opinions.
He could try being a little pragmatic