I stroked an adder when I was 2 not knowing what it was.
I stepped on one last night with only flip flops on. It reared up at me, I thought it was going to strike and I thought I was dead.
Luckily it changed it's mind at the last minute and went away.
Good thing I'm around to annoy you all still.
Half of the board would mis interpet that.
I stepped on one last night with only flip flops on. It reared up at me, I thought it was going to strike and I thought I was dead.
Luckily it changed it's mind at the last minute and went away.
Good thing I'm around to annoy you all still.
Which snake was it mate?
Eastern Brown?
Red head krait?
Black Mamba?
Apparently all the second most poisonous.
Which snake was it mate?
Eastern Brown?
Red head krait?
Black Mamba?
Apparently all the second most poisonous.
Eastern brown.
Basically this shouts out "don't go to Australia"........