Stopped paying for it years ago, I don't want to watch the same 6 teams nearly every week, the only time the other clubs get a look in is when they are playing those teams.
Yet we still pay the same amount for it, it's a joke, it's bias and if we are honest has created a monster that has seen a few teams get so far ahead they are uncatchable. Then obviously those teams win everything and qualify for the Golden pot CL and so gain even more money.
This division is haves and have nots and the gap is widening every year. Certain clubs have stronger benches than most first teams, it's crazy and it has ruined the game in this country as a sporting spectacle.
It should never have been allowed to happen but it did and then the league turned off the opportunity for any of the other 14 teams to reduce that gap by introducing P&S. It is almost impossible to close the gap, even newly minted Newcastle are worried about P&S/FFP
How can we get back to a level playing field? Also people say we were the Mersey Millionaires but a glaring difference was that the other teams could spend the money to catch us if they had it.
So yeah, thanks Sky but GTFO, you've killed this sport as a fair competition.
Sorry for the rant