yep , im a smoker . pro-sativa for almost 20 years too.
(not your usual dope head personality though
actually im not usual in any way-lol)
giving both up this month - as im getting older and spent enough to buy a country mansion on weed alone.(strange how things just run there course.)
i dont drink or go to pubs or clubs anymore , dont drive a car myself (mrs does), dont own a credit card , completely self reliant ,claim no benefits , work when i feel like it , ask no one for nothing , i work to live not live to work , eat what i want when i want and do what i want when i want.
im happy , healthy but not very wealthy
, fit , content , have a thirst for constant new experiences , self improovement and wisdom.
ive got a spring in my step , a smile on my face and feel younger today than i have at anytime in the past 20 years .
(makes me laugh how old school friends who done things 'proper' look like old miserable geezers).
if i die today becouse i smoked , id be content that i done things my way from start to finish.
it wasnt a walk in the park , but i appreciate every second and id take that over an extra 40 years of being a sheep anyday.
and imo just becouse anyone smokes doesnt and shouldnt make them a social outcast/leper. everyone has a poison , some inflict it on themselves , the worst inflict theres on others.
ps - im really hating these pictures of deseased lungs on fag packets nowadays ! theres no need for it .
whats next ?
pictures of dead people on bonnets of cars
pics of warty falices on condom packets
pics of facial burn victims on cheesy pizzas
a pic of soiled pants on toilet role
well out of order and ott imo