thank you all for the greetings (and comments of love of virgin/s) - I guess with all the "mate" mentions, I should mention that I'm female (and fairly obsessed with Everton)... and, just to state it all at once- yes, I bought the pink kit (so sue me, it looks great on...but am dying for the new home top to go on sale, back to blue for me) and yes, I have been know to indulge in pineapple on a pizza on occasion... please don't hold those crimes against me...
Do you like owl sanctuarys? x
Do you like owl sanctuarys? x
Well at least you're putting quite the effort in
It may or may not have been a very boring evening.
And yet still I have to post 20+ more pointless comments that no-one cares about, thus highlighting my unoriginality, oh the tyranny... all to watch what I know will be a 1-1 draw.
Just troll around the Ale House and post "lol" or something to chico's posts...