Sol Cambell

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Him being at finch farm wasn't jarg, but the him playing a practise game ahead of signing was totally jarg. he's way past it and should not even be considered when we have young Duffy, who was largely excellent on Saturday.

I dont believe any said he was signing did they? Just that there was a match which I agree turned out to be false

Ill get the finger pointed my way by some, but I agree with you.

Not at all mate, you're one of the reason I continue to visit this site, arguements with reasons, something a lot seem to lack.

On topic, we're short at the back for the forceable future now, anyone strengthening the bench is welcome to me, he's past it and all, but we are gonna need someone by end of Jan.

Just a side thought, and I think it was mentioned above, isn't it a positive having him doing his coaching badges at the club?
As Bill says, he was great in his day, one the best going at Spurs and Arsenal, and I'm sure he could have a lot to pass onto the likes of Duffy, could even teach Heitinga about winning a 50/50 :D
Just a side thought, and I think it was mentioned above, isn't it a positive having him doing his coaching badges at the club?
As Bill says, he was great in his day, one the best going at Spurs and Arsenal, and I'm sure he could have a lot to pass onto the likes of Duffy, could even teach Heitinga about winning a 50/50 :D

I noticed that about Johnny. Whenever the balls loose he seems to take ages to get to it. There was one tackle against Villa on the edge of the box. He was favourite all day, but it's like he times his slide tackles to get there literally at the last milisecond. What should have been a straight forward interception for a throw turned out to be a last ditch toey.
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