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Rooney offside. Kane not.
Jags gets booked for a foul. Kane doesn't.
Ah well
Jags gets booked for a foul. Kane doesn't.
Ah well
It is getting there because these last five matches have been a struggle to get through.Don't turn it on in the first place, like me.
They’re definitely both shots.They were both crosses.
Kane was offside for that, while Rooney wasn't for his disallowed goal. No there's no big team bias in play![]()
Everton’s defence....![]()
That linesman though. Flag happy the first half.
He's not finished, just not as good as he was which was the best in europe for 2 or 3 seasons in his pomp.Baines is finished anyway, has been for over 2 years , we need a new LB
In midfield and attack as well..Lack of quality at the back painfully exposed today. Game over.