I have a horrible feeling about that bouncy rolling comedy effect robot!
Nah. Won't even be a proper thing I reckon. Merely a background feature.
I have a horrible feeling about that bouncy rolling comedy effect robot!
I really hope so.Nah. Won't even be a proper thing I reckon. Merely a background feature.
I have a horrible feeling about that bouncy rolling comedy effect robot!
Don't recall Threepo being Gay, well spoken and slightly annoying maybe. Well they do say you see what you want to see.no worse than a gay gold robot
Don't recall Threepo being Gay, well spoken and slightly annoying maybe. Well they do say you see what you want to see.
YOU TAKE THAT BACKno worse than a gay gold robot
Hundred bucks says the stormtrooper misses a straight line, easy shot.
Disney are going to destroy it I feel.
John Carter was meant to be it's Sci Fi epic franchise.
Disney are going to milk Star Wars till we invade Disney land and burn Mickey Mouse for destroying our childhood memories.
I feel the opposite from what Ive seen- the trailers look a lote more like the originals if they were made today rather than the plastic over CGI use of the 3 newer films.
Looks great- just hope the story lends itself to the characters.
There's simply no evidence to suggest the Droid was homosexual.YOU TAKE THAT BACK
I really hope so, I'm still scarred by Jar Jar Binks monstrosity.
The original movies and toys were fantastic, I'm disappointed I melted a load of them with a magnifying glass pretending to be Vader using the dark side on them. Could have been worth a small fortune.
I just have this horrible feeling Disney will be more focused on the merchandise sales rather than the actual film.
I really hope so, I'm still scarred by Jar Jar Binks monstrosity.
The original movies and toys were fantastic, I'm disappointed I melted a load of them with a magnifying glass pretending to be Vader using the dark side on them. Could have been worth a small fortune.
I just have this horrible feeling Disney will be more focused on the merchandise sales rather than the actual film.