It seems to me though like you're trying to negotiate in a very human business like way - by saying "it's gone on long enough, our lockdown was only a temporary solution, we'd like to get on with life now because "x" has been a reasonably long enough time - you've had your fun now we should just ignore you."
Trouble is you would be trying to negotiate with an unthinking microscopic particle that doesn't have a plan or a motive other than replicating itself. It's not a business colleague or an ambassador. It's a fatal disease, and there is currently no other solution other than keeping a distance. We're lucky that we have THAT!
Past pandemics show that there is always a second wave and the second wave is ALWAYS worse - probably because people become impatient or bored or just want to get back to life as normal (don't we all?). In time either enough will have caught and had the disease that herd immunity will come into affect and protect the rest; or some scientists will develop and effective vaccine (if we're lucky). Simply thinking "this has gone on long enough" isn't a solution though.
Businesses closing, people losing their jobs, poverty - these are all awful consequences, no argument there. I'd argue though that they are all secondary to actual loss of life. To me it seems a straightforward choice of which is the least bad solution - if we stay in lock down (or partial lockdown) we have poverty, if we don't we have poverty and loss of life.
If the idiot liar chief in charge had made better and faster decisions back in late January early February and shut the ports and airports, we at least could have had a better chance of carrying on a normal life on this island - but no - his first priority like any Tory was not others lives but wealth.