Whats crap and has to go? What should be added?
Throw it all in here.
I propose changes from the very top, maybe admin/mod elections?
I can see it now 'Vote for me and i'll make sure Keith Shabs never posts again', - 'i will actively prevent kopites posting'...
Maybe unban everyone for next season?
That greeting crap has to go as well, sick of it telling me I am up late.
Also reckon the navigation bar is a bit crap, have to be changing that around. Also add a proper news system rather than just a forum.
The idea of a seperate site is off the cards lads, we simply dont have the contributors. Would rather be linked to TW than have a half arsed effort of our own.
Throw it all in here.
I propose changes from the very top, maybe admin/mod elections?
I can see it now 'Vote for me and i'll make sure Keith Shabs never posts again', - 'i will actively prevent kopites posting'...
Maybe unban everyone for next season?
That greeting crap has to go as well, sick of it telling me I am up late.
Also reckon the navigation bar is a bit crap, have to be changing that around. Also add a proper news system rather than just a forum.
The idea of a seperate site is off the cards lads, we simply dont have the contributors. Would rather be linked to TW than have a half arsed effort of our own.