What’s the reported fee?Some going managing to anything close to the reported fee for Iwobi
We can’t go into a season with only 3 widemen (Dobbin isn’t near the standard needed). These are the people that should be scoring you goals and winning games. Need at least 4 options there.I’d love us to get Gnonto but I just don’t think we need another winger as badly as we need other positions. Worryingly short in defensive midfield during Afcon.
Lionheart xxxxx <3
Train strike innitDoes he need a lift?
You're allowed to do that?!
Very goodLeave my brother out of this...
Sorry to hear that xMine is not big but it filled a pram
How does a 28 year old Nigerian International, who is on par with Zidane, end up at Everton and is trying to force a move to FulhamHow does a 29 year old full International end up at WBA?
To be fair you used to get cheap fares flying on standby, with the proviso you can get stuck at the airport for 2 days. Am envisioning a Tom Hanks situation where he ends up living at the airport in limbo for a yearON STANDBY