Player Valuation: £70m
I have a corgi Aston Martin still in box with little man in ejector seat pointing gun at Bond. "Nishe of ye tae drop in".
I want in consortium.
I want in consortium.
Meaning of consort in English ... to spend a lot of time in the company of a particular group of people, especially people whose character is not ..Personally I'm thinking of starting a rival bid from a new consortium. What even is a consortium, anyway? Nobody truly knows.
I'll take your place then, I'm sorting out the stuff in the garage atm, should be some hidden jems in there I've forgotten I've even gotUpon reviewing some of the members of this GOT consortium, I would like to retract my offer
No further statement will be made at this time
I can't even remember the last time I liked anybody who owned us.
Had it in for Moshri the minute he didn't bin kenwright.
Im not gonna lie, @maccavennie gives me the biggest chub, but I’m a whore so I’ll welcome you all
Dollar dollar bills y’all
I got my 95 Cup Final ticket and a picture next to the FA Cup from Peter Johnson, so I didnt mind him.I can't even remember the last time I liked anybody who owned us.
Had it in for Moshri the minute he didn't bin kenwright.
Oh hey up, the Saudis and their questionable morals have entered the bidding.All the shrapnel destinied for the guide dog shaped collection box... it's yours.
Cap the Consortium at 365.We've been robbed of a decent owner for years mate that's for sure.
Got some Panini stickers.maccas updated consortium
@matty1878 @Marius57 and @Bohemian Toffee now mate @bring back the catt @MrGrumpy @wm02 @Dixieslaces @dublinbluenose @hktoffee @DanB90
£50 overdraft
£5.20 (wants 500 shares)
PC World gift card
Ps2 (no controllers)
600 pesos
Sodexo meal card
2000 Czech crowns
1 pen
A lot of bog roll
Car tax discs
Wetherspoons Voucher (amount unknown)
Phillip Green shady character
£10 Argos gift voucher (expired)
£17 Sports direct Gift voucher
Exclusion order
Blood Brothers tickets (amount unknown)
£20 Woolworths Voucher
I'll happily throw in;
150L fish tank that's got a hole in it
300 pack of crayola with only 3 left
2 uno cards
52 deck of pornographic playing cards, were every card is a joker and has the same picture
Old £1 coin