Typical of you to try to reduce it to "management."
Again, what you're saying is fascile and ill-thought-out. One aspect of politics is the constant battle to impose your own ideas and aganda, even within parties or alliances. Whether everyone is "actively trying to undermine and disrupt" is open to debate. Sure, it will sometimes happen but it could alternatively be characterised, within a coalition setting, as "arguing their case" or "lobbying their position" or even "representing the interests of their constituents."
Almost everyone predicted that this Coalition would crumble within 18 months but, whatever you may think of its achievements, it found a way of functioning.
I am more and more convinced that our current voting system and absolute majorities are bad for this country, despite the usual mantra from mainstream parties.
You're not making any sense at all. America is anything but a coalition government situation so it hardly backs up your point.