It was 2 errors by the keeper in reality really, not helped by the wayward pass out incepted on the 1stNot good enough that performance 2nd half was incredibly bad I know the standard of women's football ain't all that but still some of the defending made my eyes bleed
That Mcgiver is a pillow fisted weakling and the only good defender we have is Gabby GeorgeIt was 2 errors by the keeper in reality really, not helped by the wayward pass out incepted on the 1st
The players think Courtney is the better of the 2, and we didnt think sandy would startThat Mcgiver is a pillow fisted weakling and the only good defender we have is Gabby George
That is silly. Of course they like playing it, it is just that most are not very good at it. The progress in the standard of the womens' game is slow despite the hype, and is centred mainly around maybe 3 sides who pile money into their teams buying the better foreign players, and winning most of their games. The rest, depending mostly on local players, are pretty crap by comparison. It will take years for a general levelling up so you can say there is genuine competition which is necessary to drive progress. The commentators at mens' games frequently say when it is poor standard. This never happens with commentators of womens' games, who seem to be only allowed to be resolutely positive, regardless of the standard before them. The fable of the emperor without clothes comes to mind. The playing standard will definitely improve given time and investment at the lower levels. Whether investment will be there is quite another matter. One club collapsed this season and there will be more. Why throw money at it unless there is evidence of real fan interest attending the games and supporting the teams, which is evidently absent. Typically someone will claim that a such and such a live streamed game had 2 million alleged watchers which is not the way true interest/support can be measured, compared with actual attendance. I would never pay money to watch a women's game, and on the evidence few do. I can watch EFC ladies for free at Walton Hall Park but is it worth the travel? Sorry, no!Women don't like football, so why do they play it?
Can't believe I'm asking you again, but how many teams get relegated? Just the one from memory?
only one, so should be BirminghamCan't believe I'm asking you again, but how many teams get relegated? Just the one from memory?
What a poor season.
As the mens, some are good, some are bad,By god how bad are the goal keepers terrible should have five a side goals
She needs to be playing for Bayern to get the points needed for her Visa, yesterday she was a sub, i would not be surprised if she does not get the points needed that we either loan her out again or sell her in the summer, But Courtney Brosnan needs to be the number 1 - her 1 year deal ends June, while i would let Sandy Maclver leave - she's here till June next yearIt was a really poor penalty, hit tamely about half way between the keeper and the post and at a comfortable height. The Reading keeper is 5’7, so put it in the corner high or low it wouldn’t matter, if it’s just inside the post the keepers not going to get to it.
The Icelandic girl Celia that will hopefully join in the summer being 6’2, will potentially give Everton a huge advantage with this regard as well as commanding the box defending corners and crosses.