Anyone want some margaritas - made an excellent batch for a delayed celebration of Cinco de Mayo.
We really need a heart reaction for things like this. "Like" isn't enoughJust wanted to share a memory about my old, dearly departed nan, inspired by @Daveysgingerlovechild's Horses thread, but I don't want to hijack it so placing it here.
I couldn't remember if she donated her life savings to a donkey sanctuary or an otter sanctuary.
The story has returned to me, she wanted her ashes scattered at either place but the otter people were set against it.
Rather than risk being knocked back at the donkey place my uncle just stuffed some notes into their collection jar and took care of her wishes when nobody was looking.
It's what she would have wanted.
I'm in. Very civilised.Anyone want some margaritas - made an excellent batch for a delayed celebration of Cinco de Mayo.
I'm glad to do it. Keeps me from going rogue again and letting tirion in.
Sunday? If Newcastle beat Leicester, the cries for Callum Wilson and the failed fourth spot will be flopping around the Everton forum tonight.I think we should spend this down time replenishing supplies and reinforcing the shelter, as the Army of the Moyes may very well join forces with the Army of the Soggy Underpants on Sunday.
Failure to prepare, is preparing to fail.
I hope Danny doesn't unblock @Gwladystopbloooo before then because the reactor will go critical if the Dildo Crew bend us over and bludgeon our sphincters.Honestly can't wait to see what happens on here when West Ham beat us.
Honestly can't wait to see what happens on here when West Ham beat us.
I hope Danny doesn't unblock @Gwladystopbloooo before then because the reactor will go critical if the Dildo Crew bend us over and bludgeon our sphincters.
However, from his posts alone he'd probably be able to buy a private island from all the add revenue he'd bring in with his ten billion posts of gibberish.
bludgeon our sphincters
Genuinely, I mostly really venture into the Everton forum to see him and the other reprobates shout the same nonsense at each other over and over.Is it really a matchday without GB?