I think this is spot on and I thought the same last night. The amount of one on ones we have missed that could have been despatched with a dink is silly now. Needs to be addressed.Serious question. Does EFC coaching staff not teach this technique? When one on, we seem to just hit it straight at the goalie. Gordon last night was a prime example. He Dinks it, it goes in.
CorrectI think this is spot on and I thought the same last night. The amount of one on ones we have missed that could have been despatched with a dink is silly now. Needs to be addressed.
Every Father Ted reference gets s like from me!!!
Dunno mate.Serious question, what's the difference between a dink and a chip? I know the difference between a chip and a lob
Serious question, what's the difference between a dink and a chip? I know the difference between a chip and a lob, and by association, I can understand the difference between a lob and a dink, but I am perplexed as to the differences between a chip and a dink. Is this half of the issue?
Maybe we have been teaching a chip, but the players are assuming they mean dink and its getting confusing. Even more so now that we don't have a team full of native English speakers. But then, as you say, Salah is more than accomplished at a dink, or does he chip it? I dunno, but would be great to find out.
James could dink it.To me those finishes are from players who either have it or they don't. You can obviously practice the technique but actually doing it in a game takes a certain type of player. I consider Richy a good finisher but can't see him doing these.
James could dink it.
DankaWeather yesterday at the game...DANK