Great night out with the girls, had too much to drink, ex husband in the same pub, with his girlfriend, they left first, job done xx
Deffo going to Finland and saying that to every single person I see.
Great night out with the girls, had too much to drink, ex husband in the same pub, with his girlfriend, they left first, job done xx
Unless they left to have sex.
Great night out with the girls, had too much to drink, ex husband in the same pub, with his girlfriend, they left first, job done xx
ystäväni on kadonnut paikalliseen kaivokseen ja tarvitsee tomaattimehua kiireellisesti![]()
Started drinking 12 hours ago on some gay geocache treasure hunt thing.
Hammered now.
Ending with a rum and Stephen Malkmus. [Poor language removed] yeah.