I will find you and consensually bum you
you absolute F bellend

you absolute F bellend
you absolute F bellend
im getting my face tattooed tomorrow ..
this guna hurt I reckon
Its just one blue dot getting my face tattooed tomorrow ..
this guna hurt I reckon
Its just one blue dot @Frank.
The Hidden Meanings Behind 11 Prison Tattoos
No butterflies, tribal armbands, or wrongly interpreted Chinese characters
It`s all part of his master plan to make himself more attractive to future employers.
its just a tear mate..
Should just shave his head and get a small line tattooed down the middle. Might as well look like a bellend too.I`d strongly advise against it Franklin.
I`d strongly advise against it Franklin.
Why not create a thread about it?see how I feel in the morning..