This is the only criminal case which doesn’t require any evidence. A guilty decision could be made easily via a 5 minute chat with frang.
In exceptional cases, a conviction can be made with lots of circumstantial evidence and the lack of a body.
Let`s look at what we`ve got.
He`s semi comatose on cheap white cider most of the time, which makes some of the things he says and does questionable to say the least.
He`s a massive attention seeking try hard and will do anything for attention.
He`s way too friendly with female Dags and prefers them over real girls.
His " girlfriend " was only using him as a bit of fun until she got married.
He didn`t take it too well and tried to scupper the wedding.
He was seen in a local hardware store buying a tarpaulin, a hacksaw, quick lime, a spade and bags of cement.
She disappeared after the wedding.
Even if a plea of diminished responsibility was entered on the grounds of lack of intellect, would you as a member of a jury convict this man ?