The Friedkin Group - Dan & Ryan Friedkin

What do we reckon?

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    Votes: 516 70.7%
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    Votes: 202 27.7%
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    Votes: 12 1.6%

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That's not true though is it?

We know we'll be part of a multi club group if purchased by TFG. That's right isn't it?

We know that such groups have flagship teams, such as Man City, Roma, Lyon, Leipzig. That's right isn't it?

Therefore it's entirely correct to state that our identity and credibility are threatened with being enveloped into a structure where we're part of a number of entities and not even the most important one.

That's the danger.

I say - especially in the wake of being near destroyed by the last 'clever' businessman - be vigilant. Don't let the club's reputation and heritage be destroyed by people who's chief reason for existence in this world is to flog Toyota cars to yanks in about 5 or 6 states in the U.S. That's all they are. They have no interest in preserving our 146 year old legacy. They just flog things to death for cash.

Stay critical. Stay vigilant.
How many multi club outfits have an EPL team as 2nd fiddle though?