Ed McBain 87th precinct, I have always spotted this authors' books in various shops over the years, not surprising really as there are over 50 in the series and they sold by the boatload
When a series is that long and popular then there must be something about it that appeals to book reading public, so I got hold of Cop Hater which is #1 in the series
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Got through this in a day. It seems like a lot of books nowadays (and films for that matter) need to have either some sort of shock value, or a hero that beds every woman he sees and never loses a fight, not to mention leaps of logic that Mr Spock would be proud of, all in order to engage the reader.
This book was quite different, and it's interesting that the author has no qualms in having characters killed off, that you would have expected to feature in a lot more books in the series.
In the authors notes at the beginning of the book, he said he spent way too much time in police precincts, speaking to cops and watching the procedures in solving (or not solving) cases and it shows in this book.
It's an easy read and the characters frustration combined with chasing leads that don't pan out, are a feature of the book.
I am speaking of it in the present tense, but I am well aware it was written in 1956 so it will come across as dated for a lot of readers, if you like a book that is 'solid' without being one you would return to in 10 years for another read then its worth getting hold of a copy.
I will definitely be getting book #2 at some point, purely because I liked the lack of 'flash' in book one.