Just got it for a tenner off Amazon mate. Looking forward to it now. Reviews look good
It`s an incredible book mate, made all the more remarkable, by the fact that the author, Clinton Romesh, was a serving soldier, who had no writing experience.
Just got it for a tenner off Amazon mate. Looking forward to it now. Reviews look good
Thanks again for this post, that thread is closed now. Probably not enough people interested to open it again and keep it active
Decent list of recommends for anybody else interested in graphic novels
Post in thread 'Graphic Novels or comics or whatever'
Finished Saga, annoyed I have to wait for the rest to come out. Absolutely loved it
Started Transmetropolitan and finding it more a slow burner, but I’ll stick with it
Brilliant satire, yeah I think it takes a minute to settle and really starts firing a few issues in. Past due to be translated to the screen.
He's good. I think there is a plan to turn Rendezvous into a TV series.On an Arthur C Clark reading spree at the moment. Just recently read The City and the Stars, Childhoods End, and Rendezvous with Rama. Now started A Fall of Moondust.
Really enjoying his writing, all great reads and not much between them in terms of quality.
@COYBL25 Contract signed. Four volume update now on course for 2025.Update: The wording of the contracts has been agreed between myself, the other researcher, and the Publishers. We are now simply waiting to digitally sign the contracts, then we will be getting stuck into the complete update. Everything to the publishers by September 2024, volumes out in 2025.
The first volume of four will retain the original cover.
View attachment 205390
Don’t tell him,he’ll get arrested for indecent exposurejamie carragher has one out.
* runs cowering
@COYBL25 Now good to go. Announcement made today by the publishers:Update: The wording of the contracts has been agreed between myself, the other researcher, and the Publishers. We are now simply waiting to digitally sign the contracts, then we will be getting stuck into the complete update. Everything to the publishers by September 2024, volumes out in 2025.
The first volume of four will retain the original cover.
View attachment 205390
Read Rendezvous a while back, amazing how well it holds up for a 50yo sci Fi book.He's good. I think there is a plan to turn Rendezvous into a TV series.
Odyssey got me into sci-fi. One of my favourite books, and 2010 is just as good, IMHO. The others in the series are incredibly weak though.
One of my favourite sci-fi books is Gateway by Pohl