Hello there Carlos. I'm good mate, how are you?
I am fine adam what you been doing are kid,Hello there Carlos. I'm good mate, how are you?
evening mate how are you tonight.
I am good tonight mate.Alright Carlos I'm ok lid you?
I am fine adam what you been doing are kid,
evening danny how you today.
nothing dude.Nothing much mate. Boring day.
I am fine today mate.Evening C-man. I'm fine thanks, how about you?
I am fine today mate.
Just had a discussion with my mum then and she was suggesting ones to me as my auntie works in Connections and has them all the time. Seems like my mum wants me to do one when I leave next year then possibly go into a job off it or Uni. Like my mums mates daughter has one and she's on £800 a month from it with a possible job in a few years in Germany.
Must be getting on everybody's tits asking for advice but I've got nowhere else to ask...
Not on anyone's Tits mate. All I do on here is complain about things that aren't really that bad.
They are good to have apparently, so I'm hoping to do one now on my year out. Terrible pay for mine like but oh well. It's your choice of course though. Don't let anyone change your mind on what you want to do.