Requested to be banned
Is she a MILF?
Standard Deco.
Is she a MILF?
How's it going mate?
The perks of being 17. Thank god I'm 18 next month.Those were the days....
Nah mate. She's been through a lot, that's all I've gotta say and I respect her so much for it.Is she a MILF?
Nice to see you posting again.
Had a sh*t night.. But, now relaxed and ready for the young blues to put on a show...
You good mate ??
ShortList Magazine
The latest copy of ShortList Magazine
Ginger Seal Shunned By Peers
Ginger Seal Shunned By Peers
Be gone, ugly. Gone gone.
Prepare for your heart to break. This ginger seal is an outcast from its colony. They don't want him. He's ugly and they don't want him. How's the heart?
Born with rare brownish-red fur and wonky blue eyes, he was rescued from a beach on an island off Russia, in the Caspian Sea, after it was abandoned by its mother. The pup's colour is the result of an accumulation of iron in its fur. Oh and he's almost completely blind.
Photographer Anatoly Strakhov found the baby on Tyuleniy Island, away from the other seals on the beach.
"He was hiding and waiting for his mother to come and feed him," Mr Strakhov said. Mr Strakhov caught the seal and took it to a dolphinarium where it is being cared for.
afternoon Danny how you today.Just turned an Inter fan into an Evertonian on Omegle lads!
Stranger: i'll cheer for everton too!
Bungles Bungled
We had a stationary delivery in the office today so I decided to help put a load of stuff away whilst another guy was going downstairs and chucking all the empty boxes in the bin. We finished doing it and he carried on taking the boxes down, I decided for a laugh to stand at the top of the stairs with the last box and launch it at him as he came back in. The door flung open and the second I saw a bit of a body come through the door I launched the box as hard and fast as I could to take the unsuspecting fool by surprise. Unfortunately it was a delivery man and not my colleague that came through the door, and he was definitely taken by surprise as it nearly knocked him off his feet.
Fortunately he saw the funny side of it but I think he was secretly fuming.
Lads i've switched to 40 posts per page. I don't like it
Lads i've switched to 40 posts per page. I don't like it
It is horrible mate come back to the 10 post club.
It is horrible mate come back to the 10 post club.
I'm going to mate