the left side problem

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I never said he was, but then neither is Pienaar.

Pienaar, despite being slower than molasses in January, at least has shown an ability to link up with Baines to fairly good success in the past. So he's deffo better suited to playing there than Osman, whose more effective position -- and that's a relative term -- is in central midfield.
Pienaar, despite being slower than molasses in January, at least has shown an ability to link up with Baines to fairly good success in the past. So he's deffo better suited to playing there than Osman, whose more effective position -- and that's a relative term -- is in central midfield.

Since Martinez took over we've hardly ever played two out and out wingers starting a game, if Pienaars not available the next best option in our squad is Osman. He links up play in a similar manner and helps us retain possession, that's what Marinez likes and that's why he tried to bring in Cleverley to add competition and depth for. It balances the team and helps Baines, if Pieanars not available the next best option is Osman whether you like him or not.

Since Martinez took over we've hardly ever played two out and out wingers starting a game, if Pienaars not available the next best option in our squad is Osman. He links up play in a similar manner and helps us retain possession, that's what Marinez likes and that's why he tried to bring in Cleverley to add competition and depth for. It balances the team and helps Baines, if Pieanars not available the next best option is Osman whether you like him or not.

It may balance the team in terms of actually having a body on the left, but that's about it. I've lost track of the number of times when he gets bundled into touch when he plays on either side.
Does anyone think 3 at the back would be a viable option ? Coleman and baines could give us the width and barkley could replace barry in that system

No next to mcarthy

So, something like this?:





It may balance the team in terms of actually having a body on the left, but that's about it. I've lost track of the number of times when he gets bundled into touch when he plays on either side.
And I've lost count of the number of times Peinnar used to fall over. The strength of our left side is BAINES. Peinnar when he was a bit quicker could compliment Baines, but anyone with half a brain and an understanding of the concept of overlapping full backs would very soon look very good if Baines was in form(which he is)
So, something like this?:





352 mate.lets see if browning is good enough

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