Well said lad. Don’t let the clique bully you.If you had the ability to back yourself up with some evidence you would gain credibility but if you can't you just come across as dumb. I have posted evidence to show Ireland is not a home nation and you can't refute it, all you are doing it posting a message claiming you are correct. I have posted evidence to show you are wrong, it is like debating with a 6 year old that things the world is flat debating with you. Try doing some research and try educate yourself a little better
Honestly up there with in my top 3 all time stupidest GOT posters this guy. Kinda proud of him. Quite the achievement.This ignorant jibberish doesn’t deserve to be given oxygen on this forum.
@JimmyJeffers personally signed my passport renewal form just weeks ago.Jimmy is actually a leading civil servant in Eire responsible for the Department of National Positioning. He wrote the book on if and how Eire is a home nation or not.
Villa fans think lynx Africa is high end aftershave and even spray their hairy necks and wrists with it before a night out.Time to SAY IT.
imagine how boring it would be without these imposters though.Villa fans bouncing round other teams forums trying to kick the Troubles off again.
If you had the ability to back yourself up with some evidence you would gain credibility but if you can't you just come across as dumb. I have posted evidence to show Ireland is not a home nation and you can't refute it, all you are doing it posting a message claiming you are correct. I have posted evidence to show you are wrong, it is like debating with a 6 year old that things the world is flat debating with you. Try doing some research and try educate yourself a little better
That JJ is a wrong’un…take him down…..
Maybe you should start a thread about @JimmyJeffers , seeing how well your thread went the other day