You aint getting me to full sail with that weak sauce...You’re all soft
You’re all soft
Shut it you Tory bootlicker.Tbh, it’s not been the same since the CA closed and I had the left wing hordes having a go at me and my best mate Boris……I’ve sort of lost my cutting edge…..
Shut it you Tory bootlicker.
Children should be seen and not heard…..
Why did you lock yours in a secret room behind the wardrobe then?
Idiot, I’ve got cellars…..
explains the peter...Idiot, I’ve got cellars…..
I didn’t think tories has any spare room in their cellar after hoarding all the barrels of wine and pots of pension gold coins.
rented out to top mucker josef?I only use two of them for the wine and gold coins, the other one is no longer used……
rented out to top mucker josef?
Lost his sub tenants I heard...He failed to pay the rent increase so had to throw him out. Shame, he was a regular customer but profit is profit……