Names!One of the hoppers has come straight at me.
That's not the game.
Names!One of the hoppers has come straight at me.
That's not the game.
@chicoazul was last seen gagged in Gordon's bootAnd no sign of our dearest friend.
But why are you arsed lad, you've more than often harped on about your hatred for evertonians, and openly admitted not going the game for more than a decade because you're so clever. Always putting the club down no matter the circumstance.
Was it you giving Ellis abuse or have you proper evidence to support your claims, because for a fella that feels holier than thou to have such privvy information about what went on at a ground you have openly admitted not attending for over a decade is quite a thing .....are you just back from Brighton lad ?
Over the years I've upset that many people it could be anyone.
I want me @Everton isle to resolve this. I want this hopper to apologise and take the knee.
If he does, i will allow him to take a corner.
As an avid, but lazy, watcher I don't think @summerisle has the spuds to do it.
You've lazily slapped @summerisle around a bit here and it seems like @summerisle is just going to sit there and take it like a coward.
What say you @summerisle?
sipping champagne with bill for his biggest wind up ever. "I'll show you good times kenners, you stick with me son, this lot'll twisting in the wind by dawn..."
Ah crap, I tagged the wrong poster, didn't I?
Edit: Fixed, I think.
Taking a much needed break after one of his IRL multis was senselessly headlocked by a rampaging thug last week.