Please let's not bring this level of discourse to our footy site.Wonderful woman…am I allowed to say woman ?
Deary me
Please let's not bring this level of discourse to our footy site.Wonderful woman…am I allowed to say woman ?
Pete as a scouser you’re a class traitor.No lad, we’re all just Everton fans posting on a website and enjoying the evening. You seem to think that half the population don’t care about people based on nothing more than how they vote in an election, while attempting to show how morally superior you are to people you neither know nor understand…..
Pete as a scouser you’re a class traitor.
Why we letting children roam free outside of Reddit…
No idea…..
Pete, I’m only young to you because you’re an alcoholic Tory mummified corpse.
Can you kindly take your political discussion to the appropriate forum please and thank you.
This is The Arena, not Question Time
Btw, can someone take the pisshead out the corner too. It's beginning to stink.
There’s just a massive hypocrisy in supporting Everton and holding these nefarious far right views. The dissonance required to support a Walton club and everything the club stands for must be really quite some achievement.
There’s just a massive hypocrisy in supporting Everton and holding these nefarious far right views. The dissonance required to support a Walton club and everything the club stands for must be really quite some achievement.
No, you are young to me because I have grandchildren who are older than you…..
So you’re absolutely ancient then is all you’re saying, well done there.
More civilised is correcting peopes spelling mistakes while drinking on thier birthday?I prefer the chat on here. In the C.A. forum, the policy, I believe, is that it's largely not moderated and is "self-policed". In reality, "self-policing" means bullying and intimidation from The Clique.
In The New Arena thread, the Clique has to abide by the forum rules, and follow good forum decorum! Far more civilized. I'm sure you're not opposed to this.
Damn them most.Centrist views...