Make your sponge puddings in the microwave, takes minutes and are delicious.Occasionally I like a good old-fashioned fruit cake with (or without) custard. It always gives me a slightly upset stomach but the flavour is worth it since I don't eat it that often. Used to like the tinned Heinz Sponge Puddings, but they've been discontinued for a few years now.
Eccles cake is Lancashire's take on decadence. Quite expensive nowadays.Me ma's boiled fruit cake
Eccles cake
Lemon drizzle
Victoria sponge
In that order. No discussion.
Stout in beef stew is acceptable tho.Anything that isn’t coffee flavoured really. Coffee is for drinking, not eating. Like having a ginger beer crumble or a Stella cupcake. Totally stupid
These are actually tasty.When did desserts get personalities? What's the angriest cake? The saddest pastry?