girl does it doggie style literally
Girl identifies herself as a Dog and sleeps in crate
Beingcrazy doesn’t hurt, the wisdom goes, and in the case of theAmerican Meow Dalyn it even results in dog biscuits. The eccentricyoung lady claims to identify as a Dalmatian, wears a collar, sleepsin a crate and acts out.
TheAmerican Meow Dalyn, who has 15,000 followers on the streamingplatform Twitch, was a telephone guest on Thursday in the Australianradio program The Kyle and Jackie O Show, where she talked about herbizarre lifestyle. “My name is Meow like a cat, but I’m a dog,”she tells the hosts. When asked why she calls herself Meow, sheanswers that she thinks it’s a funny joke. “It’s like having alittle chihuahua and calling it Hercules.”
Wearingtwo fake dog ears on her head and a collar, Dalyn said she callsherself a ‘dog girl’ and ‘e-puppy’ and has completely changedher lifestyle. For example, she says she sleeps in a dog crate everynight with pastel-colored blankets and pillows. “Being in such aprivate space gives me a safe feeling, it feels like comfort,” sheexplains her unusual habit. “I thought that once I made my ownmoney and paid my own rent, I could do anything I wanted. And Iwanted to be a dog,” she says.
Ithought that once I made my own money and paid my own rent, I coulddo anything I wanted. And I wanted to be a dog”
Womanwho identifies as dog
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Dylansays that she is “117 dog years” old and that she does not have apartner, but she does have “handlers”, owners or trainers whofeed and walk her. “We also do dog training, which I really enjoybecause I get treats.” The pink-haired lady claims that she alsoeats real dog food, albeit supplemented with “human ingredients andspices” to make the otherwise bland meals a bit tastier.
Humantoilet in the rain
OnTwitch you can see how she regularly plays fetch or chews on a bone.When asked by the presenter whether she also relieves herselfoutside, she answers affirmatively. Except when it rains: “Then Igo to the human toilet.”
Shesays it doesn’t bother her that there are a lot of eyes on her whenshe goes outside like a dog. “As a dog, I am too ‘in the moment’for that,” she explains. She believes that there is a “primevalanimal” in everyone. “It’s part of our humanity,” she says.“Recognizing my primal, animal side almost makes me feel morehuman.”