My name is tenaciousj. I’m the guy that sits on the cloud (for minimum wage) in Mario Kart. Don’t believe here’s my passport.
I’ve been sent reminders for saying hello in the new signings section but it feels a bit ‘Lukaku’ to me, you know I’m coming but you didn’t know when I’d sign up. I’ve made a couple of posts so far, none overly fap-worthy but I hope to use my ‘man-time’ on the loo to contribute to the forum a little.
I was born yesterday, or that’s what me ma says. Half Hispanic, quarter Asian, quarter Welsh, half white supremacist, live in Croydon. One of those is NOT accurate. (I don’t live in Croydon).
Things I like:
- Fabricating stories to make myself laugh because I’m selfish.
- Iranians
- Tricking people into restarting their computer(s)
- Builders.
- Tenderising & cooking meat in a laminator. Trust.
- Tequila. Rum. Both make incredible Molotov's.
- Crème egg butties. Yeah and what!?
- People watching in their own homes.
Things I don’t like:
- Small gravel on driveways when you’re not wearing shoes. I enjoy the pain, I detest the noise it makes when you’re creeping back in the house after falling out the back of a Spear Mint Rhino.
- Open water. I don’t like the fact that fish breath-in their own poop.
- People who think too much. I’m a face value kind of guy. That’s £10.78 to you.
- Liars
- Girls with standards.
- Ban Hammer. I’m allergic and have a doctor’s note.
True Story – One Wednesday, before I was born, I once called a local Dominoes Pizza asking for a Pizza Hut telephone number from another county. I called Pizza Hut at 23.56 on December 31st 1952.
Cold night. I had to use my Amazon Fire Stick to keep me warm. Anyway, called and ordered the “usual” and when it arrived at 01.22 on Thursday 1st January 1953, I opened the door and shouted “Where the hell have you been bruv’, I ordered this like a year ago!?”. Delivery guy was stunned. Hilarity ensued. Brilliant.
I shall not swear like other new members (Groucho – I’m a good boy).
Happy to offer advice/opinions for a price. Bondara gift cards are acceptable.
That’s it. Much loves.