Three players whom I have under-estimated

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Player Valuation: £8m
Osman, Neville and Fellaini

I've been critical of these players in the past. Sometimes on this site and other times in my head.

But I'm changing my tune about all three.

I hadn't realised Neville's galvanising impact on the team and the way his contribution can liberate others (mainly Pienaar)

Fellaini's contribution is simultaneously destructive and constructive. Breaks up play, wins the ball back for us and makes a simple pass. Peter Reid? Or going even further back, Dennis Stevens who was signed for exactly that purpose. I was wrong about you, Marouane.

And Ossie contributes goals. And energy. And drive to our midfield. There's a nice little article on the bbc website about his match on Sunday. BBC Sport - Football - Leon Osman and Richard Dunne set good example

Are they the reason that Cahill had his best game for months last weekend, I wonder?

I'm glad to be proved wrong.
I will give you Fellaini, I was once in the Anti-Mophead camp, after being so pro-mophead when he first signed.

Also Neville, I used to think what is the point in him, but hes been superb for us, the way he steadys our ship, superb Captain.

But I still think Osman is lacking, lots of respect for the job hes done, but he is a little limited.
Once Arteta was injured I expected Moyes to use Osman to cover for his absence rather than deploy him out wide on the right. On the odd occasion Osman is playing in central midfield he offers a lot more, but I'd still expect him to drop to the bench when Arteta returns.

Too embarassed to answer this one as I have had my eye seriously wiped too many times. An honest answer would have a street end lynch mob looking for me, and rightly so. :lol:
Osman quietly plays a pivotial part for us. However, he will be used more sparingly if a fit Arteta come backs. Felliani is showing world class. I was a fan from day one. Neville has had to grow on me because of his upbringing not technically gifted but I swear now he grew up a Evertonian the way he conducts himself on this team.
Leon Osman is one of the best footballers at the club, alongside the right partner he can be very effective in the middle of the park. Neat and tidy, intelligent, quick feet and more than anything, forward thinking.

But it has been clear for a while now that he is wasted outwide, he should not play there.
Hey ive been wrong before and I will be wrong again, just had so many years of Ossie making me fume when he gets pushed off the ball. I like the lid, I do, but things like that make fume.

Leon Osman is one of the best footballers at the club, alongside the right partner he can be very effective in the middle of the park. Neat and tidy, intelligent, quick feet and more than anything, forward thinking.

But it has been clear for a while now that he is wasted outwide, he should not play there.

Good post.

* Pictures Ossie in goal :oops:
I like Osman, but I have to agree with Goat that he's limited. He is better used in the middle of midfield as you say DENNIS. He's got great feet that earns him space and he can punish a team on occasion when he joins in with an attack. But he's one of those players that cant impose themselves on the game and take it under control like Arteta can. He'd be lost in the middle of a four man midfield. Out wide there's too much competition and his spell on the right with Hibbert still generates nightmares. Too good for the bench; not good enough for the first team when all are available. :(
That's a fair post Davek, and one I'd agree with. He'll always be someone who drifts in and out of games, gives you good things here and there. I don't think his passing range is expansive enough to control a game, but you could say that about a lot of our players.

As his Toffeweb player profile says, he lacks 'onfield presence'.

In terms of skill, technique and close control though, he's brilliant. Technically he's a very good player, one of the better English players in that department. Which is why it makes me laugh when people call him a Championship player, he'd be far more at home in La Liga or Serie A.

He gets alot of abuse because of his performances outwide and I agree with that, he is a limited and frustrating wide player. But in the middle, he can give this team good things.
I will give you Fellaini, I was once in the Anti-Mophead camp, after being so pro-mophead when he first signed.

Also Neville, I used to think what is the point in him, but hes been superb for us, the way he steadys our ship, superb Captain.

But I still think Osman is lacking, lots of respect for the job hes done, but he is a little limited.
exactly my thoughts on all three. I still love Hibbert though
Fellaini is a lot better at the moment, but he's still nowhere near 'world class' or even one of the best players in the league in my opinion. As I said the first time I saw him play, the best he can hope for as a footballer is to be a bigger, nastier version of Alonso. Hopefully he will end up being exactly that.

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