Banned on request
1. not al all, i have looked and between holidays and rate of pay, other jobs pale in compaison, no to mention in theory the job oppertunities are much lower elsewhere. In theory where i am now there is several different directions i could go in, but the more suitable ones are harder to come by than the main mickey take ones.1. 'Except I won't get better elsewhere' - have you checked? Cos I left my very nicely paid job for an even better paid job. Sounds like you're making excuses not to leave.
2. If those jobs are so rare, why wait around? Why not just go look elsewhere. You don't have to leave this one to apply for other jobs.
3. Not sure how old you are, but you're not stuck in one job, not by the sounds of the experience and qualifications you describe. They are transferable. Go use them.
(oh yeah i have at least 2 diffrerent people who would love me to work with them who have interviewed me in the past, one of which was going to offer me the secondament and the other keeps telling me to look out for jobs, even though they still haven't come up lol )
2. I do look around at other jobs but its getting the interviews as even the process has changed to a key word scan process rather than application process like it used to be, means apart from point scoring to get the job, you have to have the right words in your application to even get the interview. And they said school work would be useless in life.....
3. I know i am not stuck per ce, i am stuck in the department sure, but not the job. all i need is that one break, and i can then progress quite quickly up the ladder, one team leader job means i could be supervisor one day, then assistant manager and so on. But need to get out, it is often said it is harder top break out of my level than any others