Originally Posted by ToffeeDan
After Week 4 -
658 73 68 a2b Chris
'the only was is up'
or do we have relegation?
02-09-2007, 07:31 PM
679 73 73 a2b Chris
After Weeks 6 and 7:
679 70 73 a2b Chris
678 71 -- CT jr
670 72 72 The Griffin
670 72 61 Andrew Chamberlain
After Week 8 -
702 68 70 a2b Chris
697 69 65 Synth_FG
687 70 66 radio atlantis
673 71 68 Nev The Binman
669 72 -- Rook
666 73 71 CT jr
659 74 72 Andrew Chamberlain
slowly, slowly, catchy monkey
it's a marathon, not a sprint
chico, monty, suits, are your cheeks twitching boys?