Enjoy the asterisk you horrific mutants
Need Kenwright to do one and get our own house in order more like!
I think a degree of control over your movements should be expectedCall it whatever you want to. Rudiger played the ball and his follow through caught KDB. I’m not even disagreeing with you that it would’ve been called outside the box. I just don’t think it’s a foul. Game is too soft if inadvertent contract after playing the ball is considered a foul.
They havent so far... Ha hahopefully that’s it they won’t repeat this again as teams will find out how to play them
we will mate I’m sure Carlo knows we’re getting they’re
Recruitment mate - need to start getting top players in now we have a good manager.
Others will disagree but I would happily break FFP for 1-2 years if needs be if it meant us winning a few trophies and a go at the league title.
Sick of us just existing every season.
At least they have won it without doing it on the pitch otherwise it would have been 1000 times worse. We wont have to see them all hugs and smiles for about 1hr with interviews galore