Always thought they should allow 'daylight' for offside.
Benefits the attacker/overall game.
Always thought they should allow 'daylight' for offside.
Benefits the attacker/overall game.
There's one standard for penalties, red cards and whatever else and a completely different one for offside. I don't really have a problem with that is offside is like a goal a yes or no thing, there isn't supposed to be judgment involved, but the other part is a total mess.The implementation of VAR is being bungled so badly. They won't act for so many clear errors but will get the ruler out for Son's armpit hair being offside or the ball ricocheting onto someone's hand. It is not keeping with the spirit of the game.
Not to mention that I am doubtful the technology is good enough to judge so strictly -- all the camera footage they have looks pants and to be that precise surely you need high quality footage with a high FPS?
And it's now totally changed a game. Was so looking forward to VAR this season but this is just awful.
Missed itBad tackle there @TheBigIguana ???
Missed it
exactly where would this arbitrary line be if you are using technologyThe clear daylight rule shout is weird because you are still setting a line at some point which means there are still going to be occasions when the players is extremely close to the line. So it doesn't really stop decisions like that one but just moves it a little further behind the defender.