Very enjoyable indeed. I still maintain we'll win something again before they will. Not The Championship either. We have more right to join a Super League than they ever did.In 2024 there's nothing quite as delicious as watching one of the self appointed scab six get schooled by one of the just making up the numbers 14.
Particularly Spurs who in my opinion due to their distinct lack of success on the pitch are the most deluded of the bunch.
Considering they've won exactly one title in 34 tears, that's a strange request.Can we just, please, have one chuffing season where the stars don't align for those maggots to win the title? Lockdown title was bad enough, having red tickertape all over our new blue mecca isn't a good look.
Always wins a trophy in second season. Write him off at your perilHarold bishop contnues to flop at spurs but gets a free pass because he says mate in interviews and won some meaningless pots in the worst league in the world, complete bluffer
Ten Haag is the new Soljskaer, obviously getting sacked at some point in nearish future but somehow manages to keep dragging it out with the odd decent result.