It seems strange but I totally agree. I just feel Kroenke has no intention of pushing the boat out for more if he's guaranteed a certain amount of revenue.100% he will
He's there as long as he wants to be
It seems strange but I totally agree. I just feel Kroenke has no intention of pushing the boat out for more if he's guaranteed a certain amount of revenue.100% he will
He's there as long as he wants to be
I'm going to be making a call to my great friend Stan Kroenke and asking him to help out my other Arsenal fan friends by sacking Arsene.Who's sacking him?
It seems strange but I totally agree. I just feel Kroenke has no intention of pushing the boat out for more if he's guaranteed a certain amount of revenue.
whenever i watch a bayern game the crowd look impressive with their flags etc... but in terms of atmosphere it always seem like a funeral
BoooooooooAu Revoir Arsene - or should that be Bay-Bay-Bayern Wenger?
kopites of germany them, which is high praise given how fundamentally kopite that nation is